Krishna Mohan KS
India is growing young in terms of Youth Population. As per India’s Census 2011, Youth (15-24 years) in India constitutes one-fifth (19.1%) of India’s total population. India is expected to have 34.33% share of youth in total population by 2020. It’s time to nurture the young minds and channelize their thoughts and actions to make India a Super Power in this decade.
The Onus
The responsibility lies on every parent and teacher in particular and the society in general. While giving them the freedom to learn, inculcating values into them and providing the necessary life skills are of utmost importance. Excessive pampering and shying them away from experiencing failure or hardships will hamper them in understanding the reality of life. Providing platforms at home, school, college and workplace for sharing their minds will give them a feeling of empowerment and self-esteem that would allow them to contribute more for their personal and organizational growth that in turn results in the growth of the society and the nation as a whole. “Ðare to be free, Dare to go as far as your thought leads, and Dare to carry that out in your life” said Swamy Vivekananda.
The employment rate of India has fallen from 50.8 to 46.8 between 2012 and 2018 as per the records of the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. This has further increased from 4% to 7% between Jan 2019 and October 2020 though there was a huge spike up to 23.5% in April 2020 due to the pandemic. More alarming is the fact that the youth unemployment is on the rise one of the main reasons being the employability!
The employability of a person mainly depends on the skills and the attitude. Fortuitously, both the factors can be fostered and refined. Exposing the youth to the skills required for employability is mostly the responsibility of the educational institutions that in turn, should update and upgrade the skills of the faculty. Parenting in a positive atmosphere and helping children understand the life skills would prepare the youth to face the challenges in their life ahead.
The youth need to realise that in order to survive and flourish in this highly competitive world, they need to take up any activity that would either be useful to them or the society around. Understanding that life is not a path of roses, the youth should not shun jobs for the sake of comfort as they have to support themselves and their ageing parents. Also, they cannot afford to stay complacent on balancing relationships while climbing the ladder of the career. Taking ownership in any job or assignment that they take up and doing it passionately will better the chances of career growth. May the Youth be inspired by the words of Rabindranath Tagore :
Where the mind is without fear
and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not
been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls