Swamy Agnivesh a great Social Activist dies of multi organ failure in New Delhi today. He is aged 80 suffering from liver problem.The demise of Swami Agnivesh is a huge tragedy -tweets eminent lawyer Prasanth Bhushan.
He praises him as a true warrior for humanity and tolerence. Among the bravest that i knw, willing to take huge risks for public good. Was brutalised in Jharkhand by a BJP/RSS lynch mob 2 yrs ago . Liver got damaged – prasanth Bhushan mentions in his twitter handle. Swami Agnivesh followers and social activists associated with his agitations mourns througout the world.
Agnivesh has been taking treatment in the Institute of liver and Billary Sciennces Delhi. He died of multi organ failure which lead to cardiac arrest. He passed away today evening 6.30 as per the information given bythe spokes person of the Hospital