Daamodhar JN
Even in this century ,people indulge in this sort of killings,on the basis of caste.Periyaar was against caste divisions in India.He was unhappy,that our constitution prohibits only untouchability.Since caste is not prohibited in our constitition,he burnt the same and went to jail.
Draavidar Khazhagam party people burnt,sections 25 and 26 of our constitution,which is protecting castes in India.Ten thousand DK party people and sympathisers were arrested and were kept in jail for three years.Out of them,few people have died,while they were in jail.Draavidar Kazhagam party had advised,people of Thamil Naadu,not to add caste tag,behind their names.When M G Ramachandran was Chief Minister of Thamil Naadu,he ordered removal of caste tags,in road names.Accordingly,G.N.Chetty road became G.N.Road.Dr.Nair Road became Dr.Road.Pulla Reddy Avenue became Pulla Avenue.

Recently,when a case came up in Supreme Court,for getting bail,the Chief Justice,L.A.Bobbde was surprised.One murder took place ,in the year 2015,in a village called Pallipaalayam ,in Thamil Naadu.One Gokulraaj,belonging to lower caste,was murdered by one Yuvaraj,belonging to higher caste.Chief Justice was surprised,since Periyaar was born in Thamil Naadu.Periyaar preached against caste divisions in India.In such a state,how such a murder took place,was the cause for his surprise.In the year 2016,as soon as AIADMK came back to power,in Thamil Naadu,the recorded honour killings ,in that year alone was 22.Out of them,the murder of Udumalai Shanker and Osoor Nandeesh and Swaathi’s murders became sensational.These murders made the whole country,wake up from their deep slumber
As per the views of Chief ustice,honour killings, take place regularly in states like Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.This sort of killing, taking place in Thamil Naadu,is a surprise to him.

.Few days ago,Hemanth,belonging to lower caste,was murdered by relatives of his wife,who belongs to higher caste.This murder took place,at Chandanagar,an outskirt of Hyderabad city.It is high time,caste divisions are eliminated,from our country.It is not an easy task,since,it has been in existence,since ages. As a first step,people should stop adding caste tags,to their names. Secondly,like the inhuman practice of Sathi was banned by British Government,Indian Government should ban caste divisions amongst people.Thirdly,inter caste marriages should be encouraged by people.
Fourthly,the selection of bride groom,should not be done,by the parents of bride.The bride should have ,full freedom,to select her life partner,since her parents are not going to be alive,through out her life.In this process,dowry demand will die a natural death.